save2pc 3.40: favorite YouTube videos on your PC

8:59 PM / / Coment (4)

Each time you visit the YouTube, a lot of interesting things that you want to download. Save2pc 3.41 with ease to make you download on YouTube. because save2pc 3.41 is a program that will help you do this. Place a link to the video, choose a place to store and press "start." The program saves the video in AVI or MPEG format, and you can open a video player.

Do you want to download YouTube videos to your PC? Now you can do so easily and comfortably thanks to save2pc 3.41 (previous Chermenin YouTube Downloader).

Copies of the video link to download, paste it into the program and click "Start". The program will ask you to select the folder where you want to save your video and ready.

The best of save2pc 3.41, and differs from similar programs is that you download the video in AVI format, instead of the typical FLV, so you will see in the video.



Kode Rahasia HP

1:53 AM / / Coment (1)

Berikut ini adalah kunci kode tombol rahasia yang dapat anda jalankan sendiri dengan mengetiknya di keypad hp ponsel anda yang bermerek Nokia baik yang cdma maupun yang gsm :

1. Melihat IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
Caranya tekan * # 0 6 #

2. Melihat versi software, tanggal pembuatan softwre dan jenis kompresi software
Caranya tekan * # 0 0 0 0 #
Jika tidak berhasil coba pencet * # 9 9 9 9 #

3. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #

4. Melihat nomor / nomer private number yang menghubungi ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 3 0 #

5. Menampilkan nomer pengalihan telepon all calls
Caranya tekan * # 2 1 #

6. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena tidak anda jawab (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 1 #

7. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena di luar jangkauan (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 2 #

8. Melihat nomor penelepon pada pengalihan telepon karena sibuk (call divert on)
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 #

9. Merubah logo operator pada nokia type 3310 dan 3330
Caranya tekan * # 6 7 7 0 5 6 4 6 #

10. Menampilkan status sim clock
Caranya tekan * # 7 4 6 0 2 5 6 2 5 #

11. Berpindah ke profil profile ponsel anda
Caranya tekan tombol power off tanpa ditahan

12. Merubah seting hp nokia ke default atau pabrikan
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 8 0 #

13. Melakukan reset timer ponsel dan skor game ponsel nokia
Caranya tekan * # 7 3 #

14. Melihat status call waiting
Caranya tekan * # 4 3 #

15. Melihat kode pabrik atau factory code
Caranya tekan * # 7 7 6 0 #

16. Menampilkan serial number atau nomer seri hp, tanggal pembuatan, tanggal pembelian, tanggal servis terakhir, transfer user data. Untuk keluar ponsel harus direset kembali.
Caranya tekan * # 92702689 #

17. Melihat kode pengamanan ponsel anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 6 4 0 #

18. Melihat alamat ip perangkat keras bluetooth anda
Caranya tekan * # 2 8 2 0 #

19. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terbaik namun boros energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 3 3 7 0 #

20. Mengaktifkan EFR dengan kualitas suara terendah namun hemat energi batere. Untuk mematikan menggunakan kode yang sama.
Caranya tekan * # 4 7 2 0 #

21. Menuju isi phone book dengan cepat di handphone nokia
Caranya tekan nomer urut lalu # contoh : 150#

22. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk semua panggilan
Caranya tekan * * 2 1 * Nomor Tujuan #

23. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan yang tidak terjawab
Caranya tekan * * 6 1 * Nomor Tujuan #

24. Mengalihkan panggilan ke nomor yang dituju untuk panggilan ketika telepon hp anda sedang sibuk
Caranya tekan * * 6 7 * Nomor Tujuan #


Anti Spyware Free Full-featured

7:17 PM / / Coment (1)

While this may be anti-virus alone is not enough to maintain and protect the Computer, especially when we often

using a computer / laptop to our internet connection. Threats not only from the virus, but it can also come from spyware, adware and pogram foreign programs from the Internet that we do not know.

One way to increase protection is to install a computer anti-spyware, and one of the free with the ability is quite complete Spyware Terminator. how the benefits of this software?
terminator spyware software is provided free of charge to protect and eliminate various security threats by providing protection in real-time from spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers, browser hijacker and other malware threats.
What are the main features Spyware Terminator:
Free Spyware Removal. Spyware Terminator will scan the computer to do a variety of threats, remove, and provide a report in full.
Free Automatic Updates. Can download and install updates automatically.
Free Scheduled Scan. Providing the ability to scan the regular time.
Free Antivirus Integration, Apyware terminator can integrate with the antivirus Clam Antivirus (ClamAV). So that it can also function as anti-virus.
Free Support. Not only free, but if you need support, they can ask either directly via email or the public forum provided.
Free for Personal & Commercial Use. This application is free for both personal / individual and for commercial / business, given a rare kind of other applications
See above ability, Spyware Terminator winner of several applications that have some limitations, such as features that are not up to full license. This application provides all the features that are free of charge and does not need to buy the pro version or the paid (paid version has a surplus can give access to the network administrator to manage and run the computers on the network from one place).

Is it only the ability of Spyware Terminator? Of course not, there are many other additional facilities, such as:

Customisasi computer scan, both the drive and folder
The list of files that should not be ignored in the scan, quarantine the file or program that dangerous
Restore computer systems (with the System Restore), analyzes the suspicious file, delete the file / virus that can not be removed with the usual way.
Application guard, Internet and guard system guard. Which can be used to protect and protect access to the system registry and other important windows. This is all in real time.
and many other
When this article was written, the latest version is, with improvements from previous versions. Download Spyware Terminator 2.5(8.61 MB)



5:22 AM / / Coment (0)


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